Disorder / Species Splicer / Esophagus - Hymns Of Devastation, Split
Band: Disorder / Species Splicer / Esophagus Album: Hymns Of Devastation, Split Year: 2020 Country: United States / Chile / Australia Format: CD Genre: Brutal Death Label: CDN Records
1. Disorder - Maw Of Oblivion 2. Disorder - Theshold Trespasser 3. Disorder - Unwelcomed Awareness 4. Disorder - Last Contact 5. Species Splicer - Cognitive Embryo 6. Species Splicer - Enlightened Fertilization 7. Species Splicer - Elemental Entrapment 8. Esophagus - Neomorph Genocide 9. Esophagus - Xenomorphic Sentinels 10. Esophagus - To Reveal The Lifeblood Of The New Race