Band: Various Artists Album: Ska Generation Year: 2003 Country: Russia Format: 2CD Genre: Ska Label: BRP Records
CD1: 1. Skaladdin (Ch) - Trojska Baby 2. Big Banders and The Hoccitus (Ger) - Waterway 3. Distemper (Rus) - Voina 4. Diversion (Ger) - Careless 5. Doctor Manette (USA) - 2c 6. General Rudie (Can) - Add 7. Hogerbrogers (Ch) - Tod 8. Liquid Cheese (USA) - Bagel 9. Male Factors (Rus) - Perru 10. Maskapone (Ger) - One Ticket Flight 11. Outrage (Fr) - Du SkaLme 12. Ska'T (Ger) - Where are you from 13. SKAl'pel' (Rus) - Prazdnik 14. Skavesa' (It) - Possibilita 15. Skazska (Rus) - Devochka Boleet za Dinamo 16. Smodati (It) - Il ritorno dgli Smodati 17. Smoke Likea Fish (GB) - Death of An Angel 18. Son of Blob (Nl) - Eruit 19. Sounds Like Chicken (Au) - There is No Soon 20. Superhiks (Mos) - Mister Burokrat 21. The Skaliners (Ger) - Friend on The Moon
CD2: 1. MoskovSKAya (Ger) - Hello People 2. Franziska (It) - Fashion To Be Rude 3. Yellow Umbrella (Ger) - Daija 4. The Planet Smashers (Can) - Evalution Day 5. APC (Ger) - Deathrow 6. Vento Di Fronda (It) - Santina 7. Venus Hill (Nl) - Back On My Feet 8. Sondaschule (Ger) - Pommesbude 9. Quatre in Toulouse (Ch) - Trip Stop 10. Les Cameleons (Fr) - Hace Color 11. The Israelites (USA) - Roots 12. I Voted For Kodes (USA) - She Hates SKA 13. ASPO (Fr) - Skeb 14. Brainless Wankers (Ger) - Borsig Locomotive 15. The Amphetameanies (Scot) - Tales of The Arizona 16. Wiseacre (Au) - Over -Reaction 17. Hot Pot (Ger) - 15 and a half 18. The Exceptions (USA) - Sweat Georgia Beach 19. beNUTS (Ger) - Masturbation 20. Bad Shakyn (Ger) - Bad Boy 21. Shluz (Rus) - Promzona