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Moongates Guardian - Eternal Legend
Band: Moongates Guardian Album: Eternal Legend Year: 2015 Country: Russia Format: CD Genre: Epic Medieval/ Atmospheric Black Metal Label: More Hate Productions
1. Back To Middle-Earth (Preludium) 2. Lament For Theoden 3. Wolven Blood 4. Boromir's Riddle 5. Isildur's Curse 6. The Fall of Gil-galad 7. The Riddle Of Strider 8. Smeagol's Promise 9. Song In The Orc-tower 10. Malbeth The Seer's Words
Bonus: Lament For Gandalf (Single) 11. Moria (Preludium) 12. Lament For Gandalf 13. Children Of The Sea